Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Public Defense of a Doctoral Thesis in Medieval Studies
András Németh
Imperial Systematization of the Past:
Emperor Constantine VII and His Historical Excerpts
Examination Committee
- Howard M. Robinson (CEU, Department of Philosophy)
- Niels Gaul, supervisor (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
- Gábor Bolonyai (ELTE, Department of Ancient Greek)
- Cristian-Nicolae Gaşpar (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
- György Geréby (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
- Athanasios Markopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University Athens, Department of Byzantine Philology)
- Daniel Ziemann (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
The doctoral thesis is available for inspection in the CEU-ELTE Medieval Library, Budapest, 6–8 Múzeum krt.