Public Pre-Defense of a Doctoral Thesis in Medieval Studies
Petra Mutlova
Radicals and Heretics. The Dresden School in Prague
The draft version of the doctoral thesis is available in the CEU–ELTE Medieval Library, Budapest, 6–8 Múzeum krt.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction: objectives and methodology
A. Objectives 1
B. Methodology and methods 6
II. Contemporary evidence
A. Primary historiographical sources 14
1. Laurence of Březová, Hussite chronicle 14
2. Chronicon breve regni Bohemiae 16
3. John Papoušek’s narrative 17
4. Historia Bohemica 19
5. Anonymous tract 20
6. Počátkové husitství (The beginnings of Hussitism) 22
7. Chronicon Procopii notarii Pragensis 24
8. Addenda 25
9. Overview 26
B. Biographies of the members of the Dresden School 29
1. Nicholas of Dresden 31
2. Peter of Dresden 44
3. Friedrich Eppinge 55
4. Johannes Drändorf 60
5. Peter Turnau 64
6. Bartholomew Rautenstock 68
7. Conradus Stoecklin 70
8. Peter Payne 71
C. Indirect evidence for group identity 78
1. Teaching 78
The Dresden period 79
The Prague period 84
2. Shared doctrine? 88
3. The activities of the disciples 96
Street propaganda 96
Propaganda in Germany 104
III. Later influence of the Dresden School
A. Followers – collecting the Dresdeners’ treatises 109
B. 15th-century manuscripts sources 119
1. The Confessio 119
2. The Collecta et excerpta 125
IV. Conclusion 131
V. Appendices
A. List of treatises by Peter of Dresden 132
B. List of treatises by Nicholas of Dresden 134
C. Nicholas of Dresden, Sermo 1416 (critical edition) 139
D. Confessio heretica et falsa (critical edition) 155
E. Latin text of the Collecta et excerpta (selected parts) 160
VI. Bibliography