The Regulations for the HUN-accredited degree summarized here are subject to modifications as may be requested by Hungarian law and changes in CEU and departmental regulations.
The present documents are in accordance with the CEU Doctoral Regulations as approved by the Senate on October 14 2016. As a result, they also comply with the requirements for Doctoral Schools accredited in Hungary, specifically: the Hungarian article (’törvény’) CCIV. from 2011 on higher education; and the Hungarian governmental decrees (’kormányrendelet’) of 387/2012. XII.19. 87/2015. (IV. 9.) and 266/2016. (VIII. 31.) on doctoral schools. (CEU Official Document P-1103v1311).
Regulations of the Doctoral School of History
- Doctoral School of History - Regulations
Foreign Language Requirements of the Doctoral School of History
- Foreign Language requirements for students pursuing the HUN-degree
Regulations of the PhD Program in Comparative History
- History Department Doctoral guidelines
Regulations of the PhD Program in Late Antique, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies