Maciej Janowski

egyetemi docens
Year of Birth: 

Contact information

Budapest, Nador u. 11
+36 1 327-3000 x2256

Fellowships and Awards

  • Humboldt Scholarship, Berlin, Zentrum fuer Vergleichende Geschichte Europas, Freie Universitaet Berlin, September 2004- August 2005
  • Institut fuer die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, January-June 1997.
  • Scholarship of the Fundacia na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej, 1993-1994
  • Soros Scholar and Junior Visiting Fellow, Jesus College, Oxford University, September 1989-June 1990

Professional Activities

  • Editor, East Central Europe/L'Europe du Centre-Est. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift
  • Secretary, Polish-Hungarian Historical Commission
  • Deputy-editor, Kwartalnik Historyczny
  • Member, Team 2, of the project "Representations of the Past: the Writing of National Histories in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe” (NHIST, 2003-08)

Courses taught in the previous years

  • Central European History in Context: Problems and Debates
  • Centres and Peripheries in European Thought, 18th Century to the present 

CEU doctoral supervision

  • Interwar Perspectives on Liberalism in Central Europe: the Czech, Austrian and Slovene national liberal heirs, 1918-1934 / Oskar Mulej (ONGOING)
  • Comparative history writing in Hungary until 1945/48 / Thomas Glenn Szerecz (2017)


Habilitation ("Doktor habilitowany"), Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1999
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Warsaw University, 1987

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