Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 1:30pm to 3:15pm
Public Defense of a Doctoral Thesis in Medieval Studies
Iulia Caproş
Students from Košice at Foreign Universities Before and During the Reformation Period in the Town
Examination Committee
- György Endre Szőnyi CEU, History Department
- Katalin Szende – supervisor – CEU, Medieval Studies Department
- Gerhard Jaritz, CEU, Medieval Studies Department
- Marcell Sebők, CEU, Medieval Studies Department
- Tünde Lengyelová, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Institute of History
External Readers
- Gábor Czoch, Eötvös Loránd University, Atelier Department of European Historiography and Social Sciences, Budapest
- Rainer Ch. Schwinges, University of Bern
The doctoral thesis is available for inspection in the CEU-ELTE Medieval Library, Budapest, 6–8 Múzeum krt.