Tuesday, June 1, 2010 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
Doctoral Defense of Peter Bokody (Department of Medieval Studies)
Examination Committee
- Victor Karády (CEU, Department of History)
- Gábor Klaniczay, supervisor (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
- Joanna Cannon (Courtauld Institute of Art, London)
- Colum Hourihane (Princeton, Index of Christian Art)
- Gerhard Jaritz (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
- Ernő Marosi (ELTE Budapest, Art History)
- Béla Zsolt Szakács (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies)
External readers
- Joanna Cannon (Courtauld Institute of Art, London)
- Colum Hourihane (Princeton, Index of Christian Art)
The doctoral thesis is available for inspection at the CEU-ELTE Medieval Library (Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8).